Build IT: Live Edge Desk for my Mom - Part Nine Install

Build IT: Live Edge Desk for my Mom Part Nine - Install


Oh my goodness! I know I’ve been off my usual schedule, summer snuck up and kicked me in the butt. However we are mostly back on track! The Desk is installed in my mom’s office, although I still need to make drawers for it. That will come soon, but I’m going to dive into a couple other projects first.

In other news our hats and stickers have arrived, so let’s get this give away going ! we need 100 subscribers to give away our first swag pack!

Speaking of subscribers, 93 of you beautiful people have joined the channel so far, that means we're only 7 people away from our goal of 100, and being able to get a custom URL for the channel!  So what are you waiting for? Join the channel!